Action Focused Mentorship
Mentors can help us hyper excelerate your growth cyccle.
As A memtor : You can build detailed actionlist with notes and videos to guide the people to outcome that reducese the cost of failiur singnificantly. The ActionBoard is the best AI platform for building and aggrigating your own knowladge base and share with your community.
As A Follower : You can find mentor boards to subscribe and gain access to Mentors ActionLists and autoactions. Follower can run analysis and share meaningful insights to help each other. The platform allows followers to take the action using actual actionable intelligence tool.
Action 1: Star By setting your mentorship goal and mission for the board.
Mentors are often lack the resources to build a community. Tools like whatsApp, facebook and linkedin have been a powerful tool for mentors. The Mentor can generate their mentor profile by providing access to their social profiles. ActionBoard can run AutoActions to pull latest updates from socail accounts and generate a actionlist for the day.
What actions do you want the followers to focus on next 2 weeks ?
- Mentors can generate actionlist by simply stating the goal for the day.
- Mentor can add knowladge base action for the followers
- The mentor can set AutoAction to get updates on Followers for 1-1.
- Followers can add ActionNotes to capture the updates
- Followers can use the AI tools the mentor have pre tuned to produce right analysis.
Lets take the actions to execute on the goal.
Action 2: Mentor can add knowladge base action for the followers
Mentors helps you connects the dots by providing direction and purpose for the followers. Mentors can build a Actionlist from a knowladgebase and Updte the Generate Actionlist with Action notes and refference to the knowladge base.
Mentors can utilize Actions Hub to find the knowladgebase oe can prompt to build a new knowladgebase
- /Knowladgebase SEARCH | LIST | ADD | LINK | REMOVE - Prompt Command Assist can help you take all the actions.
- /Genrate ActionList from /KNOWLADGEBASE LINK []
Action 3: The mentor can set AutoAction to get updates on Followers for 1-1.
Everyone has been there. Even the most seasoned and well-versed writers and content producers endure mental gaps. Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate anyone exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehenderit elit laborum.
Action 4: Followers can add ActionNotes to capture the updates
Fugiat nostrud irure ex duis ea quis id quis ad et. Sunt qui esse pariatur duis deserunt mollit dolore cillum minim tempor enim. Elit aute irure tempor cupidatat incididunt.
Action 5: Followers can use the AI tools the mentor have pre tuned to produce right analysis.
Action 6: Utilize Multi-Model, Guardrails, Budget and Follower Analysis to Govern.
Mentors are empowered to focus on the goal and mission of their life. Any tool the mentor uses must provide bank grade security and privacy. So prodive full control to govern and encrpt their data using their own encrpytion key. This gives mentors audability and actionability to secure all information shared within the plafrom. This is one the major feature of ActinBoard unlike most social media companies who do not give full control of your data.
Action Items -
- Set the board Gurdrail /Setup GuardRails or goto the Board Details Tab.
- Set the board Model Options - Single Model or Multi Model (60% more token). Tone and language
- Set Data Security options and view data and access activity
- Set Budget limits for the board. Set budget by followers or Actionlist
- Run Follower Analysis to generate social follower report and actions reports.
- Set Donation Collector Agent to collect donation for support.
- Manage Board Followers Access to Public and Private content.